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  • Friday, Nov 15th
    8:30 AM – 10:00 AM EST
    CS2.1: Bridging the gap
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Tom Morrison, PEng, PhD, CAHP, APT-RP, CSCE, ISCARSAH – Heritage Standing Inc.
    Track 2/Volet 2
     CE: 1.5
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    8:30 AM – 10:00 AM EST
    CS2.1: Combler le fossé
    Location: Drummond Center
    Track 2/Volet 2
     CE: 1.5
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    8:30 AM – 8:40 AM EST
    (CS2.1) Quand ça tourne mal : les défaillances destructrices de la maçonnerie dues à l’incompatibilité structurelle du mortier
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Lucy J. Davis – McGill University
    Session Chair: Tom Morrison, PEng, PhD, CAHP, APT-RP, CSCE, ISCARSAH – Heritage Standing Inc.
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    8:30 AM – 8:40 AM EST
    (CS2.1) When it goes wrong: destructive masonry failures due to mortar structural incompatibility
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Lucy J. Davis – McGill University
    Session Chair: Tom Morrison, PEng, PhD, CAHP, APT-RP, CSCE, ISCARSAH – Heritage Standing Inc.
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    8:40 AM – 9:00 AM EST
    (CS2.1) Bridging agricultural buildings into non-agricultural uses; adapting the extant barns to modern assembly spaces
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Arlin Otto, M.Eng, P.Eng, CAHP (she/her/hers) – Tacoma Engineers
    Session Chair: Tom Morrison, PEng, PhD, CAHP, APT-RP, CSCE, ISCARSAH – Heritage Standing Inc.
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    8:40 AM – 9:00 AM EST
    (CS2.1) Transformation de bâtiments agricoles en bâtiments à usage non agricole ; adaptation des granges existantes en espaces de réunion modernes
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Arlin Otto, M.Eng, P.Eng, CAHP (she/her/hers) – Tacoma Engineers
    Session Chair: Tom Morrison, PEng, PhD, CAHP, APT-RP, CSCE, ISCARSAH – Heritage Standing Inc.
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    9:00 AM – 9:20 AM EST
    (CS2.1) La réhabilitation sismique des bâtiments patrimoniaux
    Location: Drummond Center
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    9:00 AM – 9:20 AM EST
    (CS2.1) Seismic Rehabilitation of historic buildings
    Location: Drummond Center
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    9:20 AM – 9:40 AM EST
    (CS2.1) Bridging the gap: a new low-cost retrofit for converting old masonry buildings into housing
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Daniele Malomo, Dr. – McGill University
    Session Chair: Tom Morrison, PEng, PhD, CAHP, APT-RP, CSCE, ISCARSAH – Heritage Standing Inc.
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    9:20 AM – 9:40 AM EST
    (CS2.1) Combler le fossé : une nouvelle rénovation à faible coût pour convertir d'anciens bâtiments en maçonnerie en logements
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Daniele Malomo, Dr. – McGill University
    Session Chair: Tom Morrison, PEng, PhD, CAHP, APT-RP, CSCE, ISCARSAH – Heritage Standing Inc.
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM EST
    CS2.2: Transformation
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Donald Friedman, PE (he/him/his) – Old Structures Engineering
    Track 2/Volet 2
     CE: 1.5
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM EST
    CS2.2: Transformation
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Donald Friedman, PE (he/him/his) – Old Structures Engineering
    Track 2/Volet 2
     CE: 1.5
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    10:30 AM – 10:50 AM EST
    (CS2.2) Transformation de la tour de verre vide : convertir des immeubles de bureaux modernes et obsolètes en communautés résidentielles dynamiques
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Donald Friedman, PE (he/him/his) – Old Structures Engineering
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    10:30 AM – 10:50 AM EST
    (CS2.2) Transformation of the Empty Glass Tower: Converting Obsolete Modern Office Buildings into Vibrant Residential Communities
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Donald Friedman, PE (he/him/his) – Old Structures Engineering
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    10:50 AM – 11:10 AM EST
    (CS2.2) Le Virginia Mae Center de la cathédrale nationale de Washington : moderniser une retraite ecclésiastique gothique
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Donald Friedman, PE (he/him/his) – Old Structures Engineering
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    10:50 AM – 11:10 AM EST
    (CS2.2) The Virginia Mae Center at Washington National Cathedral: Modernizing an Ecclesiastical Gothic Retreat
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Donald Friedman, PE (he/him/his) – Old Structures Engineering
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    11:10 AM – 11:30 AM EST
    (CS2.2) Du moins au plus accessible – transformation du bâtiment médical de l’Université de l’Alberta en The Quad
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Donald Friedman, PE (he/him/his) – Old Structures Engineering
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    11:10 AM – 11:30 AM EST
    (CS2.2) From least to most accessible – transformation of the University of Alberta’s Medical Building into The Quad
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Donald Friedman, PE (he/him/his) – Old Structures Engineering
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    11:30 AM – 11:40 AM EST
    (CS2.2) Le potentiel des églises et les options de réutilisation radicale : apprendre du passé et concevoir pour l’avenir
    Location: Drummond Center
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    11:30 AM – 11:40 AM EST
    (CS2.2) The Potential of Churches and Options for Radical Reuse: Learning from the Past and Designing for the Future
    Location: Drummond Center
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    4:00 PM – 5:30 PM EST
    CS2.3: Complex rehabilitation projects
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Lucy J. Davis – McGill University
    Track 2/Volet 2
     CE: 1.5
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    4:00 PM – 5:30 PM EST
    CS2.3: Projets de réhabilitation complexes
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Lucy J. Davis – McGill University
    Track 2/Volet 2
     CE: 1.5
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    4:00 PM – 4:20 PM EST
    (CS2.3) Building as Artifact: Relocation and New Beginning for Oldest Synagogue in Nation’s Capital
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Susan J. Pommerer, AIA, CDT, LEED AP – SmithGroup
    Session Chair: Lucy J. Davis – McGill University
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    4:00 PM – 4:20 PM EST
    (CS2.3) Le bâtiment comme artefact : déménagement et nouveau départ pour la plus ancienne synagogue de la capitale nationale
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Susan J. Pommerer, AIA, CDT, LEED AP – SmithGroup
    Session Chair: Lucy J. Davis – McGill University
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    4:20 PM – 4:40 PM EST
    (CS2.3) Rehabilitation of the Frederick-James Villa in Percé: Making Something New with Something Old
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Léïc Godbout – Partie 5 / STGM Architecture
    Session Chair: Lucy J. Davis – McGill University
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    4:20 PM – 4:40 PM EST
    (CS2.3) Réhabilitation de la villa Frederick-James à Percé : faire du neuf avec du vieux
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Léïc Godbout – Partie 5 / STGM Architecture
    Session Chair: Lucy J. Davis – McGill University
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    4:40 PM – 5:00 PM EST
    (CS2.3) Réhabilitation et agrandissement du bâtiment Pritchard – Utiliser la capacité des éléments existants pour minimiser la portée des rénovations et préserver les lignes de visibilité patrimoniales dans une zone sismique élevée
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Lucy J. Davis – McGill University
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    4:40 PM – 5:00 PM EST
    (CS2.3) The Pritchard Building Rehabilitation and Expansion – Utilizing Existing Element Strength to Minimize Retrofit Scope To Preserve Historic Sightlines in a High Seismic Zone
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Lucy J. Davis – McGill University
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    5:00 PM – 5:10 PM EST
    (CS2.3) On determining structural wall layout during the adaptive reuse process of historic masonry buildings.
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Daniele M S Paulino (she/her/hers) – The Pennsylvania State University
    Session Chair: Lucy J. Davis – McGill University
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Friday, Nov 15th
    5:00 PM – 5:10 PM EST
    (CS2.3) Établir la disposition des murs structuraux pendant le processus de réutilisation adaptative des bâtiments patrimoniaux en maçonnerie.
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Daniele M S Paulino (she/her/hers) – The Pennsylvania State University
    Session Chair: Lucy J. Davis – McGill University
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EST
    CS2.4: Reuse and restore
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Claudine Deom, Ph.D – School of Architecture
    Track 2/Volet 2
     CE: 1.5
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EST
    CS2.4: Réutilisation et restauration
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Claudine Deom, Ph.D – School of Architecture
    Track 2/Volet 2
     CE: 1.5
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    11:00 AM – 11:20 AM EST
    (CS2.4) 3rd Time's the Charm: Creative Systems Integration for Adaptive Reuse in Charm City
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Claudine Deom, Ph.D – School of Architecture
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    11:00 AM – 11:20 AM EST
    (CS2.4) La 3e fois est la bonne : l'intégration de systèmes créatives pour la requalification dans la Ville de Charme
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Claudine Deom, Ph.D – School of Architecture
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    11:20 AM – 11:40 AM EST
    (CS2.4) De l'école secondaire (lycée) au musée d’art : réutilisation adaptative du musée Rubell
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Tom Whitmore, FAPT – The Christman Company
    Session Chair: Claudine Deom, Ph.D – School of Architecture
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    11:20 AM – 11:40 AM EST
    (CS2.4) From Haunted High School to Art Museum: Adaptive Reuse of The Rubell Museum
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Tom Whitmore, FAPT – The Christman Company
    Session Chair: Claudine Deom, Ph.D – School of Architecture
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    11:40 AM – 12:00 PM EST
    (CS2.4) Ðe l'ancien Hôtel de Ville de Maisonneuve à la nouvelle bibliothèque Maisonneuve / Un bâtiment civique comme lieu-phare de la démocratie
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Marianne Leroux – EVOQ Architecture
    Session Chair: Claudine Deom, Ph.D – School of Architecture
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    11:40 AM – 12:00 PM EST
    (CS2.4) From the old Maisonneuve Town Hall to the New Maisonneuve Library / A Civic Building as a Flagship of Democracy
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Marianne Leroux – EVOQ Architecture
    Session Chair: Claudine Deom, Ph.D – School of Architecture
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    12:00 PM – 12:10 PM EST
    (CS2.4) Solutions de conservation durable : perspectives expérimentales sur la réutilisation de briques anciennes dans la construction moderne
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Moustafa EL-Assaly – McGill University
    Session Chair: Claudine Deom, Ph.D – School of Architecture
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    12:00 PM – 12:10 PM EST
    (CS2.4) Sustainable preservation solutions: experimental insights on reusing old bricks in modern construction
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Moustafa EL-Assaly – McGill University
    Session Chair: Claudine Deom, Ph.D – School of Architecture
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST
    CS2.5: Rebuilding history
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Taryn Willliams, PE, SE (she/her/hers) – Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
    Track 2/Volet 2
     CE: 1.5
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST
    CS2.5: Reconstruire l'histoire
    Location: Drummond Center
    Session Chair: Taryn Willliams, PE, SE (she/her/hers) – Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
    Track 2/Volet 2
     CE: 1.5
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    2:00 PM – 2:20 PM EST
    (CS2.5) Historic, Resilient, and Sustainable: Base Isolation Seismic Retrofit Considerations for a LEED Gold Rehabilitation of the Oregon Supreme Court Building
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Andrew C. Smith, AIA (he/him/his) – Hennebery Eddy Architects
    Session Chair: Taryn Willliams, PE, SE (she/her/hers) – Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    2:00 PM – 2:20 PM EST
    (CS2.5) Historique, résilient et durable : considérations pour la rénovation sismique par l'isolation de la base dans le cadre du réhabilitation LEED Or de la Cour suprême de l'Oregon
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Andrew C. Smith, AIA (he/him/his) – Hennebery Eddy Architects
    Session Chair: Taryn Willliams, PE, SE (she/her/hers) – Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    2:20 PM – 2:40 PM EST
    (CS2.5) Améliorer l'efficacité énergétique des bâtiments patrimoniaux, une approche par les systèmes mécaniques
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: James Gawthrop, Jr., PE, LEED AP BD+C, BEMP – Summer Consultants, Inc.
    Session Chair: Taryn Willliams, PE, SE (she/her/hers) – Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    2:20 PM – 2:40 PM EST
    (CS2.5) Improving energy efficiency in Historic Buildings, a mechanical systems approach
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: James Gawthrop, Jr., PE, LEED AP BD+C, BEMP – Summer Consultants, Inc.
    Session Chair: Taryn Willliams, PE, SE (she/her/hers) – Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    2:40 PM – 3:00 PM EST
    (CS2.5) Birmingham’s Prince Hall Grand Lodge: A Past in Civil Rights and a Future in Sustainability
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Sarah Pitts, RA – Lord Aeck Sargent
    Speaker: Cristy Fletcher, RA, LEED AP BD+C – Lord Aeck Sargent
    Session Chair: Taryn Willliams, PE, SE (she/her/hers) – Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    2:40 PM – 3:00 PM EST
    (CS2.5) Prince Hall Grand Lodge de Birmingham : un passé en matière de droits civiques et un avenir en matière de durabilité
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Sarah Pitts, RA – Lord Aeck Sargent
    Speaker: Cristy Fletcher, RA, LEED AP BD+C – Lord Aeck Sargent
    Session Chair: Taryn Willliams, PE, SE (she/her/hers) – Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    3:00 PM – 3:10 PM EST
    (CS2.5) Conservation patrimoniale et codes du bâtiment : un examen historique de la coopération et des défis pour éclairer les futures mesures réglementaires
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Anna Gasha, P.E. (she/her/hers) – Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
    Session Chair: Taryn Willliams, PE, SE (she/her/hers) – Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
    Track 2/Volet 2
  • Saturday, Nov 16th
    3:00 PM – 3:10 PM EST
    (CS2.5) Historic Preservation and Building Codes: A Historical Review of Cooperation and Challenges to Inform Future Regulatory Action
    Location: Drummond Center
    Speaker: Anna Gasha, P.E. (she/her/hers) – Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
    Session Chair: Taryn Willliams, PE, SE (she/her/hers) – Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
    Track 2/Volet 2